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. Tree Farmer Alert

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Colorado Tree Farmers are a network of land- owners that share forestry resources.

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Forest Health Forum on Feb. 26

State Representatives John Kefalas and Randy Fischer will host a public forum to inform and encourage people to get more involved in mitigating the huge threats facing Colorado's forests.

Kefalas says, "Four million acres infested by bark beetle - that's a very significant issue."

Please join State Forester Jeff Jahnke, Colorado State Forest Service entomologist Sky Stevens, Fort Collins urban forester Tim Buchanan, Roosevelt National Forest ecologist Jeff Witcosky and Tree Farm representative Wes Rutt on this coming Saturday morning.

If you've heard that Nothing Can Be Done and you are therefore doing nothing, you are making a big mistake!

Join us and find out why, while we all still have time to make a difference.

The forum is scheduled for 10:15a.m. at the Poudre River Public Library's Old Town branch, 201 Peterson St., Fort Collins.

Bring your neighbors. Please!

see the map


Variations on a Theme

Dave Hattis, Forester / Silviculturist with the Arapaho/Roosevelt National Forests, Canyon Lakes Ranger District read the Hanson article, "Rip the Bark", and sends us more recommendations on treating infested wood based on the experience of the forest service. Thanks Dave!

read more

Colorado Partnership Program (CPP)

Greg Sundstrom with the Colorado State Forest Service sent this message. Thanks Greg!

The Colorado Partnership Program (CPP) is a voluntary conservation initiative that emphasizes watershed scale projects that significantly impact resource concerns in a positive manner and encourage landowners working cooperatively to accomplish similar goals.  Under CPP, Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funds are used to provide a payment incentive to work with other public and private entities to address common resource concerns in a cooperative manner.

Eligible operators and landowners must be located within approved project area and meet the land and person eligibility requirements of EQIP.

Partners that provide matching cost‐share funding, technical assistance and programs to address the resource concern on lands not otherwise eligible for EQIP funds will receive priority for funding. Eligible partners include federally recognized Indian Tribes, State and local units of government, producer associations, farmer cooperatives, institutions of higher education, and nongovernmental organizations with a history of working cooperatively with producers.

Application Deadline: March 10, 2011 http://www.co.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/CPP/cpp.html


Woody Biomass Utilization

Diana Selby, Assistant District Forester, Fort Collins District, Colorado State Forest Service sent this notice. Thanks Diana!

For those interested in woody biomass utilization projects and assistance.  Our Wood Utilization and Marketing webpage has been updated with information on assistance programs.  See information and link below.

New Resource for Woody Biomass Utilization Projects

We’re Happy to announce the availability of our new Utilization and Marketing Financial and Grant Assistance web page(s).  We developed these pages in response to the number of inquiries we receive, and that our field and state office staff receive, on the availability of financial programs to assist woody biomass utilization projects in Colorado.  On our new pages you can find general grant writing and application guidelines, our “tried and true” listing of programs that have consistently provided financial assistance to woody biomass utilization projects, as well as grant writing assistance and support available through our Utilization and Marketing staff.





Please send your questions regarding any forest management related issues to stumpmaker@gmail.com We'll find an answer for you.

Join Us if you would like to go on our tours, question our experts, or share information on forest ecology and forest management with our members


Landowners who attend one of our tours in 2010 will receive the Colorado Tree Farmer's forest management manual, "Saving Your Forest". Currently certified Tree Farmers can get a manual by bringing a neighbor or friend to one of our tours.